Stock Information

Updated: 05 Feb 2025 13:26
Quotes Delayed 10 Minutes
SGX Symbol: BVQ
Currency: SGD
Last Done: 0.185
Volume ('000): 1.7
Change: +0.016
% Change: 9.5
Day's Range: 0.177 - 0.185
52 Weeks' Range: 0.154 - 0.230
EPS (Singapore Cents) a -0.026
PE a -
Price / NAV b 3.38
Dividend (S$) c -
52 Weeks High (S$) 0.230
52 Weeks Low (S$) 0.154
Dividend Yield (%) c -
  1. Based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for the current number of shares.
  2. Based on latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year or Interim), adjusted for the current number of shares.
  3. Rounded to the nearest thousand. Updated on 09/01/2025
  4. Dividend is based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for current number of shares and excludes special dividend.
  5. Based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for the current number of shares.
  6. Based on latest results announcement (Full Year, Half Year or Interim), adjusted for the current number of shares.
  7. Rounded to the nearest thousand. Updated on 09/01/2025
  8. Dividend is based on latest Full Year results announcement, adjusted for current number of shares and excludes special dividend.