1. Purpose

This Policy sets out Procurri Corporation Limited’s (“Procurri” or the “Company”) approach to diversity on the appointment and composition of its board of directors (“Board”).

2. Policy Statement

Procurri is committed to building a diverse, inclusive and collaborative culture. The Company recognises and embraces Board diversity as an essential element in the achievement of business objectives and sustainable development. However, diversity is not merely limited to gender or any other personal attributes. The benefits of Board diversity are harnessed when the directors adopt an independent mindset when carrying out their responsibilities. In order to leverage on diverse perspectives, the Board strives to cultivate an inclusive environment where all directors are able to speak and participate in decision making. Each director has been appointed on the strength of his/her calibre, experience and stature and is expected to bring a valuable range of experiences and expertise to contribute to the development of the Group’s strategies and the performance of its business.

In reviewing the composition of the Board, the Nominating Committee (“NC”) considers the benefits of Board diversity from a number of aspects, including but not limited to gender, age, educational background, professional experience, skills and knowledge. All Board appointments are based on merit, and candidates are considered against objective criteria, having due regard for the benefits of diversity on the Board. The ultimate decision for new Board appointments will be based on merit and contribution that the selected candidates are expected to bring to the Board.

3. Objectives

The Board is committed to observe the need for diversity when selecting its members. The contribution each Director brings and the composition thereof provides a good reflection of the range and adequacy of diversity on the Board.

4. Monitoring And Disclosure

The NC will monitor the implementation of this Policy and report to the Board on the progress made towards achieving Board diversity on an annual basis. Disclosure will be made in the Corporate Governance section of the Company’s Annual Report.

5. Review Of Policy

The NC will review this Policy, as appropriate, to ensure the effectiveness of this Policy. The NC will discuss any revisions that may be required, and recommend any such revisions to the Board for consideration and approval.